Thanking Troops and Veterans

Patriotic Pies

Sending Moonpies and smiles for generations.

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What are Patriotic Pies? Patriotic Pies are snack size MoonPies shipped to pre-selected US military bases as gifts to help thank military troops for their service and bravery.

How are Patriotic Pies free to our military troops? Supporters buy Patriotic Pies through a school or non-profit’s fundraiser.  The school or non-profit earns funds from each Patriotic Pie purchase.  These pre-paid Patriotic Pies then ship to military bases free for our troops to enjoy.

How are Patriotic Pies distributed to troops? The USO plus other support organizations help distribute Patriotic Pies to troops mostly during base activities.

How are Patriotic Pies shipped free? Averitt Express serves as the Patriotic Pies “bakery-to-base” shipping partner.  Several times per year, Averitt Express picks up pallets of fresh-baked Patriotic Pies from Chattanooga Bakery, Inc. (makers of MoonPies) at no cost and then they deliver the pies to select military bases.

Do military veterans also receive Patriotic Pies? Yes.  Although most Patriotic Pies are gifted to help thank active-duty troops at select military bases, some Patriotic Pies are used to help thank our Veterans.

Patriotic Pie Partners

New in 2025


with this opportunity to add Patriotic Pies to base deliveries